Can dispositions be taught?

I see dispositions as part of who a person is.  To be the person that you are, you have certain dispositions that make you a very good teacher or a not so good teacher.  I think that some soul searching and character evaluation should be done by yourself before thinking about becoming a teacher.  Teaching is very stressful and hard work for little pay.  I think that people have to have a certain disposition just to accept that kind of job.  Not everyone on the streets would be willing to do the job of teachers for as little as teachers get paid.  I believe that a person disposition makes them a good teacher because they are willing to accept that job for the pay.  Dispositions are an essential part of who a person is and if they can teach.  When someone has the characteristics of a good teacher, people can just see it.  That sense of understanding and commitment is seen by others when they look at a good teacher.  Good teachers do their job with great enthusiasm and passion.  This is not something you can teach someone.  You can teach a course of how to be enthusiastic or how to be passionate.  You either are, or you are not.  Teachers are a special kind of person that is raised with certain dispositions that makes them great teachers when they become older.  I don't think dispositions can be taught because it takes a lifetime to create the dispositions you have.

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